Free Online Acceptance Criteria Examples

Browse a library of sample acceptance criteria 📋✅🔍

Last updated January 4, 2025
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  1. 1Open the tool and browse through the library of sample acceptance criteria.
  2. 2Filter or search for acceptance criteria relevant to your project or domain.
  3. 3Review the examples to understand the structure and format of well-written acceptance criteria.
  4. 4Use the examples as a reference to create your own acceptance criteria for your project requirements.


Acceptance criteria examples are sample statements that define the requirements or conditions that a software feature or product must meet to be considered complete and acceptable by the stakeholders or end-users.

The purpose of having acceptance criteria examples is to provide a reference or guide for developers, testers, and stakeholders to understand what constitutes a successful implementation of a specific requirement or feature. It helps ensure that everyone involved has a clear and consistent understanding of the expected outcome.

Acceptance criteria examples can be used as a starting point or template for writing acceptance criteria for specific projects or features. They can also serve as a learning resource for teams new to writing acceptance criteria or as a reference for best practices and common patterns.

No, acceptance criteria examples are typically generic and can be applied across various domains or projects. However, some examples may be more relevant or specific to certain industries or types of software applications.

Yes, acceptance criteria examples are meant to be customized and adapted to fit the specific needs and requirements of a project or organization. They should be tailored to the context and domain in which they will be used.

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